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ReferNet Slovakia

ReferNet (European network of reference and expertise) is an information network focused on collecting, reporting and disseminating information on the developments in vocational education and training in each EU countries, Norway and Iceland. ReferNet was set up by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) based on an agreement with the European Commission in 2002 with the aim to meet the growing demand for comparable structured information on Member States' developments and policies. ReferNet encourages common exchanges of information and creation of partnerships among organisations with common interests in developing vocational education and training.

The national coordinator of ReferNet activities in Slovakia is the Slovak National Observatory of Vocational Education and Training (SNO), which is part of the State Institute of Vocational Education. SNO originated in 1998 as part or the information network of observatories focused on monitoring developments in VET in EU candidate countries. The network of monitoring units was set up by the European Training Foundation, with the support of the European Commission. After the entry of Slovakia into EU in 2004 SNO took over the responsibilities of the ReferNet. To support ReferNet activities national consortia have been created in each partner country made up of key organisations of VET and relevant areas. The national coordinator provides for the information flow between Cedefop and the partner country, and ensures that the networks' activities are performed satisfactorily.

In 2015, CEDEFOP celebrated the 40th anniversary of its foundation – and the 20th of its relocation from Berlin to Thessaloniki. You can find materials and videos from events held on this occasion on the Cedefop’s dedicated website here.

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Further reforms in Education

The Slovak Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport has started the trans-sectoral consultation process to the document, the “Concept Paper on Upbringing and Education in Kindergartens and Primary and Secondary Schools”.

VET in Slovakia – discussion on Europe 2020 strategy

A workshop on New skills for new jobs prepared by SNO was one seven workshops organised in partnership with the Delegation of the European Commission in the Slovak Republic to support the national discussion on Europe 2020 strategy.

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Network News

Click on the link Network news to get to the section providing collaborative workspace for latest news from selected EU countries, predominantly from Slovak neighbours.

If you are interested in information from other ReferNet countries, contacts to all partner countries can be found here.

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