Short news
Short articles bring information on topical issues in vocational education and training in partner countries. They partly replaced the Cedefop Info newsletter issued till 2009.They have been developed since 2010 and are published at specialised section of Cedefop website. They are also available from the news section here. As they can offer up-to-date, extremely interesting information from around the world, you can access them directly from our home page by clicking on the logo .
Older short articles are recognisable by the original logo .
Contributions for Slovakia
Slovakia: Sector Councils Alliance reshapes VET and LLL governance (08.01.2025)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: school optimisation – streamlining or mere consolidation? (26.09.2024)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: how to mitigate the Detroit syndrome in the automotive sector (29.04.2024)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: the clash of culture and technology manifested in the European Year of Skills (23.11.2023)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: digital seniors – a game-changer? (14.09.2023)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: Upskilling initiative for adult learners (22.05.2023)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: COVID-19: there is no evil without some good (14.12.2022)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: integrating Ukrainian refugees in VET and the labour market (14.06.2022)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: initiatives boosting digital transformation (17.05.2022)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: Reform legislation package for better VET (30.11.2021)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: Recovery and resilience plan promotes investing in VET (06.10.2021)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: EQAVET network supports schools to improve quality (28.05.2021)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: VET competitions in the Covid-19 pandemic (11.02.2021)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: VET during the Covid-19 crisis (23.06.2020)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Graduate tracking instrument launched in Slovakia (19.05.2020)
The version in Cedefop format is here.
(News published in Cedefop’s magazine Skillset and Match, Issue 19/May 2020, page 17) -
Slovakia: career guidance and counselling events (17.02.2020)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: new financial incentive for companies involved in dual VET (13.11.2019)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: developments in human resource planning, career guidance and counselling (09.09.2019)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: lack of labour force anticipated (19.07.2019)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: major events promoting lifelong learning (14.03.2019)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: National programme for the development of education (12.11.2018)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: making dual VET more attractive (12.09.2018)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: social enterprises to fight long-term unemployment (15.06.2018)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: linking VET and business service centres (21.05.2018)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: Learning Slovakia: an education reform proposal (28.03.2018)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: graduate supply and demand mismatch (06.03.2018)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia: Helping the young become financially responsible citizens (06.03.2018)
The version in Cedefop format is here. - Consultation process on education and training systems reform launched in Slovakia - draft (December 2016)
Slovakia - serious skills mismatch ahead if policy is not turned into action (25.05.2017)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia - balancing general and vocational components in Slovak secondary VET (19.05.2016)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia - Slovakia’s first year of dual VET: Is the glass half empty or half full? (05.02.2016)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia - new vocational education and training (VET) act adopted (19.05.2015)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia - computer and information literacy of 14-year-old pupils (22.01.2015)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia - a crucial day for VET in Slovakia? (14.08.2014)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia - PISA and PIAAC: worrying skill survey results (10.07.2014)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia - How to get more young people into VET (15.01.2013)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia - How to fight high youth unemployment (19.10.2012)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia - An olympiad to increase pupils’ interest in technology (25.07.2012)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia - ReferNet Slovakia contributes to the national debate on the Europe 2020 strategy (04.04.2011)
The version in Cedefop format is here. -
Slovakia - New architecture of VET governance (25.01.2011)
The version in Cedefop format is here.
Network News
Click on the link Network news to get to the section providing collaborative workspace for latest news from selected EU countries, predominantly from Slovak neighbours.
If you are interested in information from other ReferNet countries, contacts to all partner countries can be found here.