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Other ReferNet publications

This sections navigate you to other documents prepared according to Cedefop requirements. They include broader studies and analyses of specific themes elaborated according to a common structure provided by Cedefop, as well as shorter articles that bring up-to-date information on vocational education and training in partner countries.


National VET policy reports

National VET policy reports provide information on progress in achieving targets agreed within the process of European cooperation in VET.


Timeline of VET policies in Europe
In July 2023, Cedefop launched a new online tool, Timeline of VET policies in Europe, presenting the information on strategies, action plans, legal acts and practical measures in VET and LLL in EU member states, Island and Norway. Cedefop makes use of this information for monitoring and analysis of the progress the countries make in achieving the common EU priorities. The information is presented as a timeline, which allows observing the development of policies, initiatives and practical measures over the years from design through implementation to completion. The information can be filtered by different criteria, such as country, target group, thematic category, EU priorities in VET, etc.


Reports on implementing European priorities in VET (2024)

The reports prepared following the national implementation plans submitted to the European Commission in 2022 inform on the developments in VET policies in all ReferNet member countries until 2024. They are available from the dedicated Cedefop web page

Report for Slovakia


Reports for 2020 to 2023

Policy briefs providing information on developments in VET policies in all ReferNet member countries in 2020 to 2023 are available from the dedicated Cedefop web page.

Policy brief for Slovakia


Reports from 2015

The 2015-2020 targets (medium-term deliverables) were agreed at the meeting of the ministers in charge of vocational education and training in EU countries, EEA countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) and EU candidate countries in Riga in June 2015. They are included in the document Riga conclusions 2015. The ReferNet countries prepare on yearly basis information on the progress in achieving these targets. This reporting as well as information collected from the ministries create a basis for reports prepared by Cedefop for the meetings of Directors General for Vocational Education and Training (DGVT). In 2018, Cedefop prepared and published reports for all countries monitoring the progress in 2015-2017. In 2020, it prepared reports covering the period 2015-2019. The reports are available from the dedicated Cedefop web page

Reports for Slovakia

Comparative Cedefop policy reports


Reports until 2014
National VET policy reports provide information on progress in VET policies at national level. They were prepared according to a common structure provided by Cedefop based on the request of European Commission. They represented a main source for comparative Cedefop Policy Report prepared for the meetings of ministers responsible for VET focused on European cooperation in VET (the so-called Copenhagen process).

National VET policy reports for Slovakia

National VET policy reports for all network countries are accessible from the Cedefop's VET-Bib bibliographical database. You can search its advanced search page here. Enter the search words national policy report (for 2002-2010 reports) or VET policy report (for 2008 reports) and click on the Search the catalogue button.

Comparative Cedefop policy reports


Detailed thematic analyses

A more precise analyses addressed one of themes (chapters) included in reports called Thematic overviews (see here) , which brought information on national VET systems. The number of the theme refers to the number of respective chapter in thematic overviews. 

Detailed thematic analyses for Slovakia


National research reports

National research reports brought information on national VET research. They were prepared according to a common structure provided by Cedefop. They represented the basis for Cedefop publications bringing European research overviews on VET research in Europe. 2005-2007 national reports provided the context for the information provided in the Cedefop’s ERO Base. In 2009, national reports contained four topics. Each country addressed 2 topics indicated by Cedefop and 2 topics according to the national interest.

National research reports for Slovakia

National research reports for other countries are accessible from the Cedefop's VET-Bib bibliographical database. You can search the advanced search page of the database here. Enter the search words national research report (NRR) (for 2009 reports) or ERO national research report (ENRR) (for 2006, 2007 reports) and click on the Search the catalogue button.


Cedefop Info

Cedefop Info newsletter brings up-to-date information on vocational education and training. It is issued 3 times a year in printed and electronic versions in English, German and French. It has been partly replaced by „National News on VET“ since 2009.

Contributions for Slovakia

Network News

Click on the link Network news to get to the section providing collaborative workspace for latest news from selected EU countries, predominantly from Slovak neighbours.

If you are interested in information from other ReferNet countries, contacts to all partner countries can be found here.

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