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ReferNet publications

In this section you can find reports and other documents representing the rich source of information on situation in vocational education and training in Slovakia and ReferNet partner countries.

  • Country reports
    Contain descriptions and recent developments in national VET systems in all partner countries.
  • Thematic reports
    Contain analyses of specific topics prepared in a unified Cedefop format.
  • Short news
    Bring information on topical issues in vocational education and training.
  • Other ReferNet publications
    Bring an archive of older documents providing information on progress in VET policy at the national level. These reports are one of the main sources for the comparative Cedefop Policy Report, which monitors progress in modernising VET systems in Europe. This section also contains older detailed thematic reports, older reports on results of research on VET at the national level, and short news published in Cedefop Info magazine. 

Network News

Click on the link Network news to get to the section providing collaborative workspace for latest news from selected EU countries, predominantly from Slovak neighbours.

If you are interested in information from other ReferNet countries, contacts to all partner countries can be found here.

VET Europe Database VET in Europe VET National News VET Bibliographic Database Skills Panorama