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Short news

Short articles bring information on topical issues in vocational education and training in partner countries. They partly replaced the Cedefop Info newsletter issued till 2009.They have been developed since 2010 and are published at specialised section of Cedefop website. They are also available from the news section here. As they can offer up-to-date, extremely interesting information from around the world, you can access them directly from our home page by clicking on the logo .
Older short articles are recognisable by the original logo  .

Contributions for Slovakia

Network News

Click on the link Network news to get to the section providing collaborative workspace for latest news from selected EU countries, predominantly from Slovak neighbours.

If you are interested in information from other ReferNet countries, contacts to all partner countries can be found here.

VET Europe Database VET in Europe VET National News VET Bibliographic Database Skills Panorama